Friday, November 28, 2008

Kristy, I caught it from N8's dad!!

OKay... I really do not know where I got this horrible stomach ache and outrageous headache. I can only assume that it was from John, N8's dad. I wanted to get up this morning to go shopping but my stomach started hurting at about 3am.... and I have been in bed ever since watching movie after movie.

OUr Thanksgiving turned out really fun. We ate with n8's family this year. It was n8's dad's birthday and he was sick in bed all day. I felt pretty bad for him and hopefully he is feeling better today. We played a few games and hovered around the food all day.

Afterwards, we went to mom and dads because they actually made some pumpkin pie. Nathaniel and Kegan drove up from Rexburg to be with the family and they came over to our house to play games all night. I love that Kegan is there to encourage Nathaniel to come by and visit us more often.

I love being with N8's family and I love being with my family. I am sooo Thankful for any holidays that support families being with each other.

Okay... well I am going to go back to bed and get more sleep. Hope everyone else had a great Thanksgiving!


The Teuschers said...

ME TOO!!!! A little after 4 this morning (while shopping) I started to get a stomach ache, too...I already feel a little bit better, I hope you are too!!

Anonymous said...

ooohh, nasty! I'd rather be sick with almost anything than a stomach-ache! Thats one of the many reasons I hate being pregnant..
Hope you feel better really soon ") How lucky that the yuck didn't start til after all the fun times! Thats so nice that Thaniel and Kegan came up, I like 'em.

Anonymous said...

that stinks, damian has had a nasty cold all week- i blame nursery, we don't go anywhere else

Hot MMMama said...

So sorry you were sick. It's no fun. Hope you are feeling well again.

Last year, we had friends drive over and they spent the Thanksgiving week with us, their little baby got really sick and one by one nearly every single one of us caught a TeRRiBlE fLu... so this year, every single person in our family went and got a flu shot... lucky for us, our clinic now offers a flu mist, we just sniffed it up... and hope that we will have no icky flu this year! should check into getting one too!

Hot MMMama said...

Oh, and super cute little Anne & N8 signature on the bottom of your post. love that!

rubberbucketsaysso said...

Mine was worse- stomach flu, throwing up never helps when you already feel achy and tired.... at least mine only lasted a few days