Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Husband Tag!!

What is your husbands name? Nathan(not nathaniel) Andrew Teuscher - Hunadu and N8 have the same middle name :)
How long have you guys been married? 2 years in January
How long did you date? On and off since high school... we started dating about 1 month before we graduated.
Who is taller? N8, perfect height
Who can sing best? hmmm, that is a hard one. I think that we are tied. We both can sing hymns.. and sing in the car.. that is about it..
Who is smarter? N8 graduated with High Honors and I graduated with Honors. I definitely worked WAYY harder than he did.
Who does laundry? Me, sometimes if I get mad enough, then I will only fold my clothes and leave his in the basket... I think he gets the hint.
Who pays the bills? I write the checks, he is always online checking our account and online bill pay
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do, I have to sleep closest to the bathroom
Who mows the lawn? If we had a lawn at our town home... N8 will sometimes mow his parent's lawn if he is bored enough.
Who cooks dinner? I cook dinner, I get home sooner than him most days
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? I am not sure...
Who kissed who first? i did! i know...lame... he was way too nervous. Sometimes I wish I would have kept it that way. :)
Who wears the pants? I think that when it is really important, I have the last say but we really get along great and negotiate a lot of decisions.
I tag all my sisters (including Kristy) and my two aunts


The Teuschers said...

ah that was so nice...thank you!!! are you trying to make me cry?

I'm kind of surprised that Nate LETS your write the checks :)

I love your new pictures up top, they look great!

Anonymous said...

that picture is amazing!!! I like Mr. Natenotthaniel! I worked furiously at my grades and graduated with a decent grade point- woo hoo. I'd love to have graduated with honors. So I'll get to my post now...

Hot MMMama said...

Why is it that the girls have to sleep closest to the bathroom... is it in our physical makeup that we just can't hold it as long as the boys can? I envy that he almost always gets a full nights sleep and that I almost always can't! ...sigh...

Fun to know more about you both!