Friday, November 7, 2008

Pass it like it's hot!! - For Cpix Coworkers

Our employee of the month, the COO had to sing I feel Pretty so win some extra cash during our company meeting. I thought I would let every get a chance to view this . The singing starts about 1 1/2 minutes into the video. ENjOy!


Anonymous said...

OH MYGOSH! THAT IS SO FREAKING HILARIOUS! You'll have to tell Greg I'd like to hear an encore! hahaha Oh man I miss the pix.

Anonymous said...

not bad at all!! Im actually pretty impressed that it turned out so well! Id stink at that song because I only know the part that says "I feel pretty, oh so pretty"

TooSure said...

Welll... Someone had their iphone at work and looked up the lyrics for Greg so he could sing it.

rubberbucketsaysso said...

awesome! the only thing that could have improved it would have been a customer walking in during the rendition!